Zazrioa was walking down the dirty slums of Areapolis even though he didn't think it was too dirty although the smell was something but Zazrioa could not smell it,Beggars were all around the area begging and grabbing at the hem of his robes but he did not cringe nor quickly move away form the homeless men and women but kneel beside them praying with them about the Hauke the creator."Cyt'ma Golte Makla Durwa" He spoke to one of the homeless men in a soft whisper holding his warm hand with his own scaly hand,Once he was done he stood up handing him a pamphlet of the Estrella de Celimna walking further down the alleyway. While walking he accidentally bumped into Zeetah with his scaly shoulder,"My apologizes my brother...i did not see you... i was not looking where i was walking... He said in a raspy deep voice.