The changes were... unsettling, to say the least. Like walking into your old home after you've moved, or walking into an apartment with an identical layout but with a slightly different theme. Seeing how Tim was starting to lock up some, Sophia made her move before Tim could really start freaking out. She stepped forward until she was beside him. Putting one hand on his she managed to get him to loosen his fist until she could put her hand in his and lace their fingers together. Once more Tim clutched his hand tightly, but this time Sophia's hand rested in his and she squeezed his hand to reassure her that out of all of this she at least was real. "It's weird," Sophia wholeheartedly agreed. Recalling her thoughts of just moments ago she gently instructed Tim, "Just think of it as another apartment with the same layout but a different theme. The apartments in my complex are like that. It throws me off every time I visit with my neighbor." Sophia cast a glance over her shoulder and saw that the tunnel in the kitchen wall had disappeared. They would have to find another way out. Turning back to Tim she suggested, "Why don't we look around? See if there's anything of use or anything that might indicate whatever's going on. More of those runes, maybe. Or another tunnel that will lead us home."