1. Smacking/Spanking I'll preface this by noting that I was raised in a household where spanking was used as a form of discipline. It was only used when I was of an age where logic or reason was not something possible. So for a couple years, I was spanked. I was too young to remember it, but it was also quite effective to curb the behavior from what my parents told me. Once I was old enough to have logic/reason and more importantly, guilt, used against me, that's what they did. Spanking is acceptable, beating your kids is not. There are already laws that prohibit beating and abusing your child. And there is a difference that can be told, even if the line is fine or gray. Verbal/psychological/emotional abuse is recognized much the same as physical abuse, yet we aren't talking about bringing in parents who yell at their kids or tell them they did something "bad." (Side note, I have known people who were very against using any negative words to their children. They created little monsters.) It's much the same with spanking to me. A physical consequence to a young child's actions, particularly at a time where the brain is not developed enough to reason, is effective and I would say not detrimental. (And as a caveat to any kind of punishment, knowing that they are still loved is necessary, a terrible parent is a terrible parent no matter how they discipline.) 2. Fertility Tourism Against it, pretty much universally. The money that pours into IVF/surrogacy/etc etc could be much better spent on reforming the adoption and foster systems. There are millions of children who need families, I honestly, find it disturbing that so many people are willing to throw so much money down the drain just to have a child that is biologically theirs. When you add in the layer of going to poorer/developing countries to receive treatment, it only gets worse. From suspect conditions to the lack of regulations and safeguards for the women donating their eggs or bodies...I'm not saying we can or should make this illegal. But we should push people towards a adoption. How? Drop coverage for IVF, majorly revamp the adoption/foster system, for starters.