[h2]Cockatrice Hunt[/h2]When everyone had readied themselves in position and given Ryouta the signal, the rooster crow recording rang out over the field. About a hundred yards to their left, near where the fields met a treeline, there was a response. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZc62IAucCc[/url] Something huge began to run towards them through the corn, though at the moment it was hunched over. All they could see was a flame red crest of feathers, the edge of something black and scaly, and the occaisonal whip of a long, snakelike tail. Again it screeched in rage--then it jumped into the air, giving the group a full view of what they faced. [hider=Cockatrice][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/guardian-cross/images/0/09/Cockatrice.png/revision/latest?cb=20130221220056[/img][/hider] From head to toe, the creature had to have been at least seven feet tall, though the curve of its neck and the way its body sat made it appear smaller. The bulk of its fowl body must have been in excess of four hundred pounds, and its tip-to-tip wingspan was somewhere around thirty feet all the way across. The snaketail at its back was at least the creature's own height in length, if not more, and lashed up and down angrily like a living being in its own right. It came down towards Ryouta, the source of the painful sound driving it insane, and began lashing out wildly with claws as sharp as any sword... [hider=Cockatrice Stats:] HP - 150 MP - 140 Attack - 15 Magic - 15 Speed - 15 Accuracy - 15 Defense - 8 Evasion - 8 Resistance - 5 [b]Petrifying Spit:[/b] Spit a gob of purple goop up to 30 feet away. If it hits and the target's resistance is less than 10, they lose 5 Speed and 5 Evasion. If the target's resistance is greater than 10, they lose 2 Speed and 2 Evasion. If it hits a target that has already been hit, they lose 10/5 speed and 10/5 evasion for each successive hit depending on resistance. At 0 for both of these values they will no longer be able to move and their defense will decrease by 20. Costs 20 MP.[/hider] [h2]Fire Rat Extermination[/h2]As Taeion tossed his shuriken, there was a cacophony of squeaks and squeals, and a group of bright red bodies, about one and half again times the size of a normal rat, surged up through the burning trash. [hider=Fire Rat x7] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/WWEnWNW.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Stats:[/b] HP: 30 MP: 20 Attack: 10 Magic: 3 Speed: 10 Accuracy: 5 Defense: 2 Evasion: 10 Resistance: 5 [b]Fireball:[/b]The most basic attack magic spell. Summon a ball of fire to throw at the opponent, up to 10 feet. Adds 5 Magic for one attack. [/hider] Upon spotting Taeion, five of the rats turned and scampered off, one group of two to the north and the others to the west. Two remained and hissed at him, before both launched a ball of fire from their mouths that flew towards the ninja with an angry flare...