Zeetah's attention was torn from his furry new acquaintance when what seemed to be a scaly, robed, older version of himself bumped into him, causing him to stumble backward unexpectedly, stepping on some glass in the process. "Ouch! Damnit! Watch where you're going, you--" Zeetah stopped, eyes widening as he got a better look at the Reptil standing before him. He muttered to himself, "A-a Reptil mage! Two magic users to learn from!", composed himself, and stammered, "I-I'm sorry, sir! I've never seen an actual Reptil before! I just... Wow! I've heard stories, but I guess..." he shrugged, "I guess I don't get out much." Zeetah sat down on the stoop of the building he still didn't realize was a brothel to tend to his bleeding webbed foot. "Shit," he breathed as he observed that some of the glass had pierced through the webbing on his right foot, leaving a tear, "that really sucks."