Yuuto took note of Julie's simple greeting. It was almost the exact same sound that she let out when greeting someone, and he was tempted to record that sounds every time she made it to see if it actually was exactly the same. Feeling the hands of Kyoko on his shoulder, Yuuto became tense, but let out a small sigh once she began to massage his shoulders. He became tense once again when she whispered into his ear, and wished that she didn't do things like that to him. When she stared more obviously at his sketchbook and asked if he drew anything ecchi for her, he moved the sketchbook away from her and shook his head rapidly while he blushed about the subject. "No!" he stated rather loudly. "I didn't draw you anything ecchi for you and your weird yaoi love." He didn't mean it in a mean or harsh way, but he just couldn't understand why she always wanted to be a male to love other men. Hearing Yumi cough, he turned his head over to the elder of the club. He nodded at her and began to take small steps over to the door. "Alright." He answered her as he looked at the two lolis of the club. They were small and cute, and Yuuto usually enjoyed their company.