Mitch's expression fell a bit as Sav started to panic. Did she know something they didn't? Was there some horribly secret thing under her bed that she didn't want Myles finding? In any case, even drunk, it wasn't like Myles to be this cruel. His pranks never lasted any longer than a good joke, and he never went so far as to make anyone panic. A edge to his tone, Mitch called, "C'mon Myles, this stopped being fu-" Sav disappeared beneath the bed. And the rest of the room wasn't far behind. Everything, even the light it seemed, was sucked down after Sav. Mitch was too shocked to scream; he wouldn't have had the breath to anyway. The rushing wind around him as he fell through inky blackness pulled the air away before he had a chance to breathe it, and the horrible suction felt as if it was drawing the air from his nose. He stared around blindly in terror, feeling himself twist in midair, but he had no reference to tell in that direction. Panic welled in his chest as he felt himself spinning. He didn't hear anyone, or anything past the rushing in his ears. Suddenly he heard nothing, and hit the ground.