"Yup, made it to orientation just in time. Hit it off with a bunch of other students too." Said Abigael, as a lay relaxed in his dorm bed. This was of course, a lie, as he arrived after orientation, and headed directly towards the dorm to unpack and relax. For an entire day. He figured there was no point in leaving the dorm if there weren't any classes to go to or assignments to complete. His mother called to see how he was handling life at the academy the day after he had arrived. "Uh-huh, finished classes a while ago. You called me in the middle of an assignment, actually. We're hunting uh... A thing. I forgot the name of it. We're still looking for it." This was another lie. He had stayed in his dorm the entire day up to this point, faking a stomach ache so he wouldn't get dragged to classes. He took a hand full of chips from a bag at his side and shoved them in his face. "Huh? Oh, that's me eating. We're taking a small break to eat. Gotta keep that energy up, right?" He proceeded to take a large swig of soda, trying his best to make it sound like he was drinking from a water canteen. After a while of listening, he choked up a little. "Huh?! A report already?!" He had forgotten all about that deal. If he wanted to keep using the glaive, he needed to send regular reports back explaining how Beat and the glaive behaved. "R-right, yeah, that's no problem. Yeah, I should definitely have a lot to report about after this hunt! Totally! Uh..." He started shaking the chip bag to make a rattling/rustling noise. "I gotta go mom, there's something in the bushes, talk to you later!" He hung up and sighed. [i]Cripes...[/i] He knew he had to do something, and his parents would definitely see through a false report. If he was going to last at all in the academy, he needed that weapon. [i]Guess I should start looking for some work...[/i] He jumped out of bed, brushed himself off and looked at the time. Classes are about the end. Thankfully he had showered beforehand. He waited a few minutes for classes to properly end, and made his way down to the entrance lobby of the main building. [i]Jeez... All these missions sound like hard work...[/i] He sighed. He didn't like the sound of any of them. There was no way he was going into a dangerous environment, so the blighted woods was out of the question. Plus, his parents are expecting a report of how the glaive fared again a large monster, so the fire rats weren't gonna make the cut. All that was left was the cockatrice... [i]Three people recommended... Where am I gonna find two other chumps to...[/i] His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a loud crash. He looked over and saw a group of kids, one of them looked to be a girl that threw a punch, and one seemed to be a boy that received it. [i]Well I certainly don't plan on scamming her.[/i] He continued in thought. [i]Cockatrice... Group... Cockatrice... Group...[/i] Eventually those words started repeating, until he realized that he wasn't thinking them anymore, he was hearing them. Another group of kids had been talking about grouping up to hunt the cockatrice. Four kids in total, as it seemed. They had already started making their way towards the teleporter. "... Perfect." He accepted the quest from the board - At least, he thought he did. He didn't quite understand how to use the board, but continued anyways. [i]If I just follow these guys, I can jump in the battle and join 'em. There's only for of them anyways, so a fifth member shouldn't be too troublesome. I'll just hit the monster a few times, let 'em do most of the work, and bam! Easy peasy. I'll have a report to give, I'll hopefully come out with a few credits and materials, and I'd be doing minimal work.[/i] Abigael waited a while after the group teleported away, so that he wouldn't be caught following them. He then hopped in, and immediately ducked for cover as he flashed onto the island. He spotted the group heading for the cornfields, and followed after them. He waited just outside the field, where he had a clear view of them. [i]What the hell are they doing? They're just standing there doing no-[/i] He then heard a loud roar that made him jump. A few moments later he saw the beast heading straight for the group. [i]Perfect! Now to just wait while they rough him up a little...[/i] Abigael looked onto the group waiting to see how the battle turns out. Durig this time, Beat emerges from the blade and begins buzzing around, zipping back and forth around Abigael. Abigael stared at Beat for a while, wondering why now of all times did he come out, but he sighed and looked on, paying no mind to the mechanical bug, but now looking towards the fight with a more concerned face. [i]That this IS really big... Maybe I should just help now...[/i] He continued to stare, debating in his head if he should jump in or not.