[b]Name[/b] Tamashi Akuma [b]Alias[/b] Blood Walker [b]Age[/b] 30 [b]Personality[/b] Tamashi is normally calm, collected, cold, and calculating. If pressed to anger he becomes uncontrollable. [b]Powers[/b] Human form: Tamashi carries a sword made out of a near indestructible material and is capable of cutting through most things including steel. The sword can also open and close portals to and from hell. In his human form Tamashi is very strong and fast but not to the point of super human. Demon form: In his demon form Tamashi can fly and is much faster than in his human form. He has fangs meant for tearing into his victims. If he feeds on someones blood he can take the form and voice of that person. [b]Weaknesses[/b] Tamashi is highly vulnerable to anything that has been blessed(holy water, blessed blades, etc.). His power is also highly dependent on being well supplied with blood. [b]Appearance[/b] Human form: Tamashi appears to be a long black haired Japanese man of average height. He has blue eyes. He normally wears a black trench coat and black pants. He also wears a ring that has the face of a dragon on it. Demon form: When in his Demon form Tamashi turns into a red, winged, horned creature with large fangs. [b]BRIEF Bio[/b] There once existed a group called Crimson Son. This group existed in secret. Their goal was to create a pure world without sin. A world without evil or crime. They believed they could achieve this if they could suppress the world with power. They needed to make it impossible to oppose them. To this end they created a machine capable of opening a portal to hell. The group extracted many creatures from hell with the purpose of controlling them. They did this collars that made them mindlessly obey orders. One day they pulled a demon baby from the portal. Their machines indicated that even as a baby it was beyond their control. It was incredibly powerful and would only grow more so as it aged. It was first suggested it be sent back through the portal or killed but ultimately Crimson Son decided they would raise it as a member of their group. They named the little demon Tamashi Akuma. It quickly became apparent that the demon needed to feed on human blood to live and to use his power. They provided this by stealing from blood banks. They gave the child a magic ring that made Tamashi appear human and seal away his power while it was worn. Tamashi was raised in the belief system of Crimson Son and took the organizations code to heart. Tamashi was often sent to perform tasks for the group to further their goals. During one trip to hell Tamashi found a magic sword that appeared to be unbreakable. He decided to take it as his own for use when he was in his human form. As the years went by Tamashi was given more and more trust by the group but Tamashi trusted his superiors less and less. Eventually he came to the conclusion that the group had become corrupt and just wanted to rule the world for their own benefit. Tamashi stole the controllers for the demons Crimson Son had amassed over the years and used them to massacre everyone in the organization. He proceeded to use the organizations machine to send all the demons other than himself back to hell and then destroyed it. Tamashi then set out on his own quest to rid the world of evil which led him to The Outsiders. [b]What they bring to the team?[/b] Tamashi brings to the team his strong sense of justice. He has the ability to be subtle and use stealth but if necessary he can certainly handle himself in a fight. [b]Notes[/b] Tamashi feeds on human blood. The amount of blood he has recently ingested determines how powerful he currently is. He usually gets what he needs from blood banks.