[h2][/h2] As Altzer charged, he could feel his heart pounding. Strangely enough however, he was a lot calmer than he thought he would be. Part of him had known that some day it would come to this but it's not like he hadn't been expecting it would come so soon. As the figure in front of him raised his scythe, Altzer realized that very soon, this kind of thing might become an everyday occurence. As long as he was a Colour, there was always the hazard of an attack. When his parents came back, it would probably be a good idea for Altzer to stay as far away from them as possible. Altzer snapped back to reality as the figure in front of him raised his hand in a strange gesture. Suddenly, he felt his back foot rise suddenly, but only slightly. Another step before he fully comprehended what had happened, and suddenly he heard something heavy slam shut behind him. He looked back for a second, and saw nothing. [i]What the-[/i] His thoughts were interrupted again as at the edge of his vision, he saw the blade of the blood-stained scythe bearing down on him. Without hesitating for a second, he quickly jumped forward and ducked into a roll, the scythe whistling over his head. The figure was a lot closer than he had previously thought... Wait. He wasn't. Getting up from his roll, he decided to put some distance between him and the Reaper so he started running towards the Coffin that was still in the hallway. He was sure the Figure had been next to the coffin just a second ago, now he was right next to him. How had he gotten so close without him realizing it? [i]Does that mean he can teleport? If he can, then what was that sound before all about?[/i] Regardless of how he did it, Altzer had to get away from him. For some reason, the Reaper didn't seem too adamant about chasing him. He only seemed to be slow-walking towards Altzer as he ran. Suddenly, Altzer ran into something hard. The impact knocked him off balance, and he had to flail his arms to keep upright. [i]What the?![/i] There didn't seem to be anything in front of him, but there was some kind of invisible barrier in front of him he couldn't go through. [i]What is this guy's power?![/i] Having no other choice, Altzer turned to face the Reaper. [i]Looks like I can't run from this.[/i] Suddenly, he a solid surface on his back, and again when he looked there was nothing there. Then he heard a slamming sound, just like before, except now it was in front of him. Then it clicked. He was in some kind of invisible cage, and now the door was closed. Figuring it out wasn't helping him any though, because now the he was trapped and the Reaper could take all the time he wanted to kill him. Altzer pounded his fist on the surface in front of him, and it felt exactly like thick wood. Perhaps it was breakable, but Altzer didn't have the strength for that kind of thing. He could only watch helplessly as the Reaper slowly reached Altzer's position, and started to raise his scythe for the kill. Then Altzer had a realization. [i]Wait, if I can see, light can go through this![/i] Without waiting another second, he quickly turned into his photon form, delivering a huge flash of light directly into the Reaper's eyes. As he hurtled forward, he finally had some time to think. As his photon form surged forward and the main mass bounced off of the Reaper, he couldn't help but notice that his perception of time in his Photon Form was variable. Sometimes he thought faster than other times, but he wasn't really sure how it worked. He was sure however, that it didn't exactly matter right at this moment. As he sailed past the large coffin he could see, he knew what he had to do. He turned back into his physical form, and stopped momentarily to see that the Reaper was clutching his eyes, clearly blinded by Altzer's flash. Turning to the left, he ran towards the railing and vaulted over it, and into the emptiness beyond. Quickly switching into his photon form, he directed the initial burst upwards, and sailed towards the roof. His 'light sense' only travelled as fast as his main mass did, but it didn't matter so much for this. His speed of thought seemed to be much slower than usual this time around for whatever reason. Turning back into his physical form just as he was over the edge of the rooftop, he unexpectedly continued to move forward, as if his momentum from his Photon Form had carried over to his physical form. Regardless, the specifics of his powers were currently the least of his worries. [i]I have to get out of the Colour Tracker's range,[/i] He thought. [i]I have to find somewhere else to stay for the night, and I really am hungry now.[/i] He ran across the roof as fast as he could, breathing hard. He used the edge of the rooftop as a stepping stone to launch himself into the air again as he turned back into Photon Form. [i]All I wanted was my spaghetti...[/i]