[quote]"Nyshara, Batche, prepare yourselves for battle. We'll be holding the line."[/quote] Swords were being draw, People running to cover, The guttural battle cries of approaching Hobgoblins Batche's system flushed with stress chemicals, becoming battle ready was beyond her control now. She instinctively inhaled deeply, clamped her mouth shut and then with a sudden push from her twin bellows, used the pneumatic force to shift her study stone armour into position from under her glassy skin. Transformation complete, her jaw unlocked again should she need to communicate with the others. She dove behind the cover of the other 9 foot high boulders to avoid the crossbow fire. Batch watched as the nimble half-ling climb the rock and take aim and bear silently followed orders. Safe behind the rock, those two provided all the information Batche would need as the Hobgoblins assaulted their high ground, as long as the hunter duo knew from which side the Hobgoblin's came, she knew where to throw her initial blow, whether they scaled her boulder or ran round. Fists at the ready, Batche patiently awaited her first hobgoblin victim to stray in arms reach.