[quote=liferusher] So a bit like poles. attack against defense evasion againdt aaccuracy Speed against evasion? [/quote] Some of them are compared to more than one--for instance, when judging whether someone's attack hits you, you would want to look at their speed and accuracy as well as their attack. If the numbers in general are higher, that's probably going to be a hit, but if you notice that their speed is lower, even if they're more accurate, then it would be okay for your character to have enough time to react. [quote=liferusher] Its amazing how you can just typ up a whole paragraph for one tiny monsters. I have never seen a gm or any player go so advanced. [/quote] The real reason the posts are so long is because I'm doing it turn-by-turn, so to speak--the entire team for one group moves, then I respond for all enemies present and my own character. So it's like multiple posts in one. If I responded immediately after, say, Diggerton posted for Hazel, it would speed up the RP and make it harder for other players to keep track, and it would push Diggerton to keep responding over and over like a ping-pong game. Doing it this way gives us a little break between turns.