[i]"Tsugumi-san."[/i] Hearing a familiar voice, Yoshino glanced to her left to see Retsu. Her initial reaction was relief that the other girl was alright. Her second was confirmation of the Jester’s words. Retsu was well inversed in the domain of hacking, and so for her to be trapped in the game as well was enough proof to the Student President that things were indeed dire. “It’s me Retsu,” Yoshino called out, taking steps to her second-in-command before pausing a few feet away. Knowing the Yakuza, she would no doubt be skeptical about her place right here and now. So as to prove that she was the real Yoshino, the Black King straightened her posture and sharpened her eyes. “You can be at ease Retsu,” she said calmly. “I’m not an illusion; I just got caught at a bad time.” The commanding tone of none other than Moon Rider herself. And just to make sure she settled any lingering thoughts of doubt… “Besides, I don’t quite like those pajamas. They’re less fitting than the ones you wore at my dorm,” she added in coyly. Before she could say anything else, a sudden [b]“oof”[/b] echoed softly to their right. Caught off guard, Yoshino whirled around to glare at the newcomer, only to relax when she realized that it was just another Player. Well…sorta. The [url=http://www.qqmofasi.com/data/attachments/2014/07/02/98_kFxfawaQiisSH7U0S8Ru_large.png]girl[/url] really couldn’t be defined by her physical traits, seeing as she was dressed in nothing but long pants and a straight-jacket, though the ruffles of a black and white dress were seen peaking out from her bonds. Blond hair was whipped about back and forth as the girl narrowed her orange eyes at the two others. And that’s when Yoshino realized. Of course. If what Jester said was true, then everyone was at their last spawning location. That meant… The golden-haired girl stood up on shaky legs, spitting sand out of her mouth and wiggling once more in vain to escape her miniature prison. “The fuck are you two looking at?” Elsewhere, at the Green City no less, the massive sprouts of Dissolutions began to diminish suddenly. Rather, they began to scurry away, much like smaller animals would hasten to escape a predator. Something huge was erupting the sand. Something…monstrous. Rising out like a titan of vengeance, a massive Dissolution climbed out of the craters left from destruction. With a clawed hand, it heralded to the heavens above, dragging itself out finally and standing tall. It was a mountain of doom and end, large enough for all those approaching the Green City to bask in its unholy glory. A giant [url=https://img.neoseeker.com/ca/kid_icarus_uprising_conceptart_md6ha.jpg]Dissolution[/url], hiding underneath the city all along.