CS Name: KORA Age: 3 Species: Alien Gender: Female Title: Scout/Fighter Army: Aliens Appearance: [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/26/Alien_vs._Predator_(2004)_-_Alien.jpg[/img] Personality: She is cautious when she needs to be but always uses her brain. She is smart and feisty and will almost always figure out ways around problems. She is aggressive and is without remorse against her enemy's. Bio: She was born to follow, serve and hunt. Kora is one of most capable fighters in her army not only did she protect the queens and the colony she often redirected enemy’s away from where colony was based and often scouted out secret routes that her group can use to get back to the colony. She is also quite a big alien for one of her age. Abilities: High Intelligence, can speak alien, predalien and has acidic blood, enhanced strength, agility Family: she considers her colony her family, but will kill one of her own if nessercery to preserve the survival of the whole colony Friends: None Loved Ones: None Sentimental Attachment: None