[quote=KatherinWinter] [/quote] Hokey recoiled at the sudden disappearance of Roxy. As he poured through the readouts that flooded his brain, his confusion only exacerbated. None of his scanners could explain to him what had just occurred. She was there one moment, gone the next. He even played the recording of the scene over again, this time in slow motion, but this brought him no closer to the answers he desired. She had indeed just vanished. "[i]The fuck? And I thought I was fast.[/i]" He thought. [quote=Alexjits] [/quote] Hokey rose to his feet and shifted out of the way to allow the massive frame of Crusher clearance to the door. "That's the ticket. Getting treated as if you're in a collar and leash sucks, I know, but it's how any progress is made." He said approvingly. "No idea what the hell they'll train you with in the gym, though, big guy. I reckon they got a telegraph pole with a tank welded to each end. They're the only weights that could challenge you." He joked. "See you inside." He called after him. [quote=paigesweetheart] [/quote] Hokey glanced around. Ah yes, just one more. Ariella. He trotted over to her table and poked his fanged face only several inches away from her's. "Why so glum?" He asked. "Were you not just told to head to the gym? I mean, I'm not gonna..." His teeth snap in a mock-threat as his voice continues from the speakers situated somewhere on his being. "... Do anything particularly severe, if you catch my drift, but Vlad's the boss around here. What he says goes, y'know?"