[quote=Samebito] Hokey glanced around. Ah yes, just one more. Ariella. He trotted over to her table and poked his fanged face only several inches away from her's. "Why so glum?" He asked. "Were you not just told to head to the gym? I mean, I'm not gonna..." His teeth snap in a mock-threat as his voice continues from the speakers situated somewhere on his being. "... Do anything particularly severe, if you catch my drift, but Vlad's the boss around here. What he says goes, y'know?" [/quote] Ariella sighed but then suddenly heard someone talking to her, she lifted her head up and saw Hokey right there, a few inches away from her face. She suddenly turned invisible but then visable again as she looked at Hokey, standing up quickly. "Sorry! I- I didn't hear him. I'm so sorry. Thanks... " Ariella bowed her head, smiling at him and then walking fast towars the gym. Wow if it wasn't for Hokey she would have been sleeping there.