Aurore rode her horse over towards her guild members, standing her in front of them and turning around to face the others wanting to take their friend. "I'm sorry Christopher. I believe in my guild members. I've made up my mind, they're making the right decision here." she stated, finally taking control of her horse and stopping it from moving. Energy around her was building up as she sucked the green aura from herself and the surrounding area, slowly building it up around her in a usable form. "I don't agree with you Aurore. You need to stand aside and let these gentlemen have their way. I cannot interfere with such matters, it would be against everything I have been taught. Worse, I would be kicked out, and never be let to return to my mentors." Christopher said, not moving from his position. "But what [i]you're [/i]doing is against your teachings! Can't you see that? These people are your friends, and they are in need of help! These... whoever they are... are not doing what's right. They are simply following the law, not their hearts. I'm sure if they weren't bound by whatever law they follow, they wouldn't be doing what they are doing." Aurore argued. Christopher looked over towards his guild members, looking for a sign from them. Non of them even acknowledged he was there. He wasn't sure they cared or not.