[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Infirmary[/h2] [i]Beep...[/i] Sapphire tossed in her sleep like she was having a horrible dream. [i]"The tunnel's collapsing, everyone get out!" "Sapphire what did you do?" "They're not going to make it?"[/i] Voices echoed inside Sapphire's mind causing her to shake her head violently in her sleep in a subconscious effort to get rid of them. Then one cut cleanly through all the rest. [i]"Shameful Miss Rode, a cave in of that size takes time. You surely would have the opportunity to escape if you'd moved faster. Perhaps this will teach you a lesson."[/i] [color=0054a6]"Dad, no, please. DAD!"[/color] Sapphire shouted in her sleep. She felt a sharp pain on her right arm which moved with painful slowness towards the center of her palm. [color=0054a6]"DAD!"[/color] [i]Beep...[/i] Sapphire sat straight up, her breath was coming in raggedly and she was sobbing. She was not wearing what she usually did, instead she was dressed in clean, white, sterile hospital cloths. Her gloves were gone, the scars running over her hands clearly visible. Sapphire was still panicking but even in her state of agitation the adrenaline in her system was starting to break down and as it did pain coursed through her chest. Sapphire lay back down slowly, she pushed up her hospital shirt and and probed the pain stricken area with her fingers. It was slightly swollen, and looking at it deeply bruised. Based on the pain she was feeling Sapphire decided it was a broken rib. Slowly so as not to agitate it Sapphire inventory of her surroundings. She was in a hospital, an infirmary obviously. The Infirmary at Beacon Academy. Now Sapphire remembered, fighting the automated combat mech. The explosions from her 'teammates' attacks. The state of the tunnel. She'd seen the decay and damage caused by the fight and she'd taken her shot, she'd destroyed the mech and it would have been a bloodless fight if not for that bumbling fool. He'd screwed up her exit. Now she remembered, her injuries had been caused by the tunnel collapse. Thankfully she'd been close enough to the exit so not as much debris had fallen on her compared to the mech otherwise she'd be dead. It was then that Sapphire became fully aware of exactly where she was. Perhaps her brain had not had time to process what it was seeing before or else it was simply blocking the conclusion from Sapphire's mind but finally it broke. She was in a hospital. Sapphire started to hyperventilate again. The heart monitor cuff around Sapphire's upper arm related a signal to the monitor that caused it to send out a number of very fast beeps. [i]Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep,[/i] [color=0054a6]"No no no..."[/color] Sapphire said to herself the sound merging into white noise. She held her arms over her ears trying to block out the sound of the heart monitor. [i]Doctor she's lost too much blood. You've done all you can, you saved the baby but her prognosis isn't good. She may not live to see the dawn. You should inform Mrs. Rode's family of her condition.[/i] [color=0054a6]"NO!"[/color] Sapphire screamed, she grabbed the IV line in her arm ripping it out violently. A small but steady stream of blood began to flow from the injection point but Sapphire didn't care. Next she tore off the heart monitor cuff shoving the machine back with enough force that it hit a wall with a loud clatter. Sapphire threw off the hospital blankets and hoped onto the floor her panic temporarily nullifying the pain in her chest. When she straightened Sapphire saw her cloths sitting on a chair. There were some scorch marks, and damaged from the debris but it looked like someone had repaired them quite thoroughly. Then on the night stand Sapphire saw something that calmed her wildly beating heart, Morpheus and Phobetor, currently retracted into small boxes strapped to two leather bracelets. Sapphire hurriedly pushed them onto her wrists. The feel of the familiar leather calmed her and she sank into a chair likely meant for visitors. The weight of a million different things crushing her. Sapphire started to cry, her father had always told her crying was a sign of weakness but there was no one around to hear it so Sapphire let the tears run free.