(The following will hopefully make more sense once I finally get cracking on those updated CS'. In the meantime, here it is!) Suddenly, everyone is greeted by a large explosion nearby, a blur of a man soaring overhead only to surprisingly land on his feet, wielding his sword with a tight grip and seeming pretty angry. "Inigo..? What's going on..?" Morgan asks. However, before she can get an answer out of him, Leon leaps from a nearby tree, preparing to bring his sword down on his nephew. He quickly brings his sword up to block the attack, a dark aura beginning to surge from him as their blades lock. Inigo's eyes begin to change color as well, flickering to an eerie yellow. This doesn't seem to really surprise Leon, for this was the result he was hoping for. "Now..let's see how long you can count on this dark power of yours before you give into it.." He states as he steps back and prepares for another attack. "Shut up! This is your last dance!" Inigo responds, swapping his katana out for a claymore, wielding the two-handed sword with only one hand, before attacking his uncle, with a swift blow to the side, sending him flying into a nearby building wall. Fortunately, the blow wasn't strong enough for the wall to break, avoiding collateral damage. However, it DID knock the wind out of Leon momentarily.