At any other point (like, say, a few moments earlier, when the group conspired to kill a man) Lammy would've been a little hesitant towards the fight. He would've hopped in the wagon after the little girl, and hoped for safe passage through the treacherous lands. But, he remembered he gave Lily his word. That, and he was still coming down from his hunting high, so his adrenaline was still fairly peaked. He and Sheeva took off, flying over the expanse of the lake to avoid the volley of various projectiles. Through a long glide he performed a sharp banked turn, with plans on flanking this band of hobgoblins. It was in this moment where the druid guessed the lady paladin was probably talking about magical spells when she asked if he had any "tricks up his sleeves", as opposed to just diving head first into the enemy, like he was in the process of doing right now. [i]"Oops."[/i] Well, now that he thought of it, there was [i]one[/i] spell he could do (as opposed to Amaya, who had mastered damn near every druid spell by this point), he just needed to find the right time to cast it. As he came out of the turn, he spotted his first target: a hobgoblin bringing up the rear holding a crossbow and lacking some important pieces of armor. Namely a helmet. He slowed his descent some, letting Sheeva take the lead. "KKKEEEAHHRRR! ([i]Go for the eyes![/i])" He commanded through a fearful cry. She happily obliged by diving in. By time the hobgoblin could yelp, she was already in his face, scratching and gouging for his ocular organs. Then, taking on his human shape mid flight, Lammy planted both feet into the hobgoblin's chest, knocking his target off to the ground. Naturally, this got the attention of the remaining hobgoblins. There was a brief twinge of regret on Lammy's end, as some spun to face him. [i]"Uh oh."[/i] In probably the quickest, cleverest move he would perform for the week, he dove his free hand into the sand. In the same motion, a orb of flame conjured over the hand. With a fluid follow through, he released the mix of fire and sand into some hobgoblin faces. Then he high tailed it out of there before any of them could get a good aim at him. [i]"That was dumb."[/i] He frantically flapped away, mentally scolded himself for such a brash mode of action. He was almost certain they were preparing to shoot him and Sheeva out of the sky. Evasive actions would be encouraged. Though, he had to admit, it felt kinda fun! Or, it was just the thrill of the hunt making him so excited that he couldn't think straight. One or the other.