@Gravedigger- Sure, you could take over that aspect. People can really choose what they want, but I'd really like a tactician, and a vanguard leader. An enforcer would be good do. He'd basically make sure people don't double cross, because I fully expect that in this clan. That, and he'd make the areas controlled by the clan, ya know, CONTROLLED by the clan. That's what I'd like your character to do. By the way, Bunraku, or Kabuki? You going to be controlling a puppet, or being creative with strings? @Sloth- Yo, Sloth, I heard you like puppeteers, so I put a puppeteer in your puppeteer so you can puppeteer when you puppeteer. Also, Portavoz would be someone who speaks on someone's behalf. Like Aaron for Moses in the bible, or Saix for Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts(Did I really use those two side by side as examples?), or Konan for Pain. Basically, my characters not going to directly deal with the clan. Now to fill out that sheet to make it official. I'll put you as the inventor then.