I look at the man, who had out of nowhere for no reason, introduced a chunk of his life to someone he had originally been ordered to kill. "Wow, that trust change was very quick... my name's Samuel. I've been in the military for about two years, here's a badge I earned," I say, showing him my left shoulder. There was a pin that said to everyone that I was sort of new in the military, but I had some experience. I suddenly heard the loud 'whoosh' of helicopter blades. I look at the entrance of the cave, and I hide behind some cover, seeing the pilot looking directly toward me. After the sound of the helicopter slowly died down, I peeked out from behind the cover. "There may be a team in that chopper. We'd better advance," I say, walking to the door and opening it, and I look at the cave we went in. Run down, smelt horrible, and there were corpses everywhere of dragon-like things, and I see one stand up, vomiting blood. I wince at the sight, and I take a rock, and throw it at the living corpse of a dragon. I hear a shriek, and look up, seeing two sand-colored ones that didn't seem to be dead, but that meant they could fly, were agile, and could breathe fire, probably. One of them flies down, and opens its mouth to torch me to death, so I threw my sprinkler into it's throat and it began choking on it, trying to spit it up.