[quote=BlackSam3091] @Jonxlathelion - I'm getting a Luke Cage vibe. Only thing is that there's and awful lotta mystery in that bio, like his disappeared dad, tight lipped mom and the source of his powers. I'm getting the impression that your planning to explain this things in the rp. If that is the case could you pm me your plans, just so I have an inkling of how your planning to develop him. If not could you please flesh out the bio. @The Patriarch - Few things with the powers. First off, if his constructs dissipate as soon as they leave his hands then how can he use them as projectile weapons? As to the energy absorption, is he absorbing ambient energy in the atmosphere, or can he only absorb energy that has been fired at him directly? Finally, why are his senses so advanced? The rest of his powers seem to relate to his energy abilities, but that seems tacked on. There's a few things with the bio too, but I'll PM you about them (Things you couldn't have known about, so that's my fault not yours.) @Kablamicus - Good sheet man. Just one request, could you make him a touch older? Not much, just a few years so there's a more diverse age range. @Razqua - Demon Samurai are always cool, but we already have two feral type shapeshifters on the team, Fenrir and Princess Beast. Would you be able to change his demon form to something less 'aggressive'? @Divine Darkness - Great stuff, thanks for adding that. You're in. Add your sheet to the Character tab. [u][b]For diversity's sake I'd be looking for more female, energy manipulator, support or older characters[/b][/u] [/quote] I edited his powers and weaknesses around so everything is explained better he. His construct weapons disappear after five seconds when they leave his hand, but it doesn't apply to the energy bullets that he fires out of his guns.