Carina lifted a brow as she felt the couch move and watched Missy get up and walk over to the back door and exited, in a bit of a hurry too. Carina raised her head and yawned, realizing what time it was. It was like... 2 in the morning and this woman was running outside? She'd catch a cold out there, stupid woman. Carina sighed softly before lifting herself from the couch once more and heaving herself over, to the floor. With a soft pat, her paws connected with the floor and she was padding her way over to the door, which Missy had conveniently left open. With her tail, Carina shut the door behind her as she exited, wanting to save the poor woman on her electric bill. Despite being a loner, Carina knew how that was. She walked over to the woman, who was hunched over, sitting on a stump, crying her eyes out. Carina's eyes narrowed, wanting desperately to hate this woman but finding it harder to do so while she was like this. [color=crimson][i]Bulk up. You're making me feel sorry for you, old hag.[/i][/color] Letting out another, rather frustrated sigh, Carina softly walked over to the woman and nudged her head in the area beneath her arm, whimpering slightly to get her attention.