[hider=Litheal] Name Litheal Alias Blink Age 18 Personality If one could never take things to seriously it would be blink, although his demeanor presents carefree and casual the sword that he wields holds the weight of all those who he has slain. Upon receiving this blade he could not carry it let alone lift it off the table that it was placed. Taking every challenge he could he finally managed to lift the blade accepting the weight that burdened it down. The weight of the lives the blade had taken transferred from the sword to him silently as the blade became weightless, although the blade still weighed more than the sun and stars it was his weight to carry. Powers Blink - The sword he carries allows him to pass through a dimensional hole pushing him forward almost like a teleport that will transfer him to different locations. Although he can not blink into places he can not see, it still helps him to blink around his opponent allowing him an easy win in any fight that he finds himself in. [b]Soul Transfer - The lives Misery takes is shared with Litheal, who gains knowledge and experience. Since the blade is an unknown age the lives it has taken in the past have given Litheal more knowledge than he needs in combat, strategical concepts and understanding. -Non super powers- Athletic - Litheal has spent his whole life on the streets quickly learning how to get out of tight spots, and with only things he could find at his disposal learned quickly to defend himself. [/b] Weaknesses Losing his sword will render him almost powerless as well as being unarmed. Depression, with the blade transferring the lives to Litheal will burden him down with the weight of the ones he has taken, with an uplifting free spirited guy he takes this very seriously. Litheal will try every effort to refrain from taking lives if only to save himself the grief later, this usually gets him into rough situations and simply put he usually tends to have to kill the ones who's lives he feels do not need to be taken. Appearance [hider= Appearance ] [URL=http://s152.photobucket.com/user/Godbeknown/media/Decorated%20images/guy16.jpg.html][IMG]http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s192/Godbeknown/Decorated%20images/guy16.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/hider] BRIEF Bio Litheal is not homeless in the way you would think a homeless man would be, he does not carry himself like the urchins on the street nor is he begging for cash on the corner. You wouldn't tell by looking at him that he struggles with social skills or even finding a place to sleep - that's because he doesn't, empty houses are all he seeks when he is interested in shelter. Looking through the window is good enough to find himself blinking into the open space. This isn't the sort of activities that people find a hero doing, but this is his compromise for the smallest misdeed that he can do that will not raise eyebrows at his intentions. Litheal smiles in wicked situations, he is the type to smile through a funeral but behind that laugh is a plague of ideas and serious thoughts about what is going to happen next. Misery, the sword that was 'given' to Litheal was not an easy transaction, one would say it was his to begin with. This is not a sword one would find by searching for it. Misery chooses its owner based on a multitude of decisions, maybe Litheal had a higher calling or maybe there is some mystery behind why the chose came out of hiding to be found. To keep things realistic, Litheal had found shelter from the storm after giving most of his belongings to a homeless mother bearing child, although he would have preferred to keep the items, the karma he could imagine would catch up to him. Inside the warehouse the blade sit on a shelf, it was a wooden shelf, nothing that could support to weight of more than a few pounds. Instead of reflecting light the blade seemed to absorb it. Wrapping his hand around the hilt the blade would not move from the shelf. Days had passed, even weeks and Litheal returned to the blade as if it were a puzzle. One day without even knowing it while trying to remove it from the shelf the blade spoke to him, although this could be confused as a voice inside ones head from years of social isolation. It did not talk in words that could easily be understood it spoke in the lives of the ones it had slain. Thousands upon thousands of memories started flooding into Litheal's head. A rational person, a normal person would have run far away from the horror that the blade had to show. But Litheal stayed, surrounded in darkness he wept for those who had lost their lives to such a beautiful sword, to those who would never have families and those long since forgotten. Eventually the memories were sketched into his mind like muscle memory and there he sat, holding the sword in his lap, with the shared weight of a million lives resting nicely between the both of them the sword was as light as a feather to him. Looking down at it, he knew its name, and with a name you have power. Misery. What they bring to the team? Morale balance - "Do we have to kill all of them?" Strategic foresight. Notes Blink has never had any contact with any league or justice affiliation, he feels he needs to be a part of the outsiders to keep innocent lives even if they have chosen the wrong path out of harms way if their lives can be spared. Everybody should have a second chance. [/hider] [hider=Misery] [url=http://imgur.com/MJveBFm][img]http://i.imgur.com/MJveBFm.jpg[/img][/url] Misery is an artifact that was created before the dawn of civil communications, a time were a life held no value but weighed all the same. It's unfamiliar the one who forged it, although they must have known it would be used for greater purpose knowing the consequences of taking a life. They must have known the weight of a life and had to carefully craft the choosing process into the sword. Misery not only obtains the weight of a life, it obtains their whole life, the possible future for the one killed. From birth to every possible path that life could have chosen along the way. It knew whether the deceased were to find true love, raise a family or take over the world. The lives they took and the lives they were going to take. That is what makes the weight that much more unbearable. Misery bases its choice on a new owner every three thousand years, it is not slow in finding one. It carefully chooses based on every life since its last wielder. Taking into account on their morale beliefs as well as their ability to make choices nobody else will. Misery does not enjoy the weight of lives, it will find somebody who will take and help carry the weight that keeps it down. The challenges are easy, it finds the one, and slowly drives them with lives of the deceased until either they snap or they come to an understanding that all owners have carried with them. An understanding so deep that they know before they can carry her, that her passion toward the greater good is heavier than the lives she has taken.[/hider] Updated quite a bit: *added to the brief bio *raised the age a bit. *Added the soul transfer power (which benefits the age and combat) *Added a short bio for the sword 'Misery' (which is a she, mentioned it late in the bio) If there is anything that needs more clarification I'll adjust it, but that should cover the stuff that was misleading. (Edit: Right, I accidentally posted this in Characters. Moved it here.)