The team was working out like a well oiled machine so far. There was Winnifred, the sniper who let loose high caliber slugs at it's critical areas and clearly took her toll on it. While Haruka took the chance to use a vicious technique and ran her weapon down it's back, causing grievious injuries. There was also a debilitation placed on the beast to slow it down, all while Ryouta kept it's attention on him. But then ...there was also someone else. A student! He certainly came as an unexpected suprise ....What's worse though was now Rian was attacking HIM instead of the monster. The monster, which had shown an unusual amount of intelligence, by making ear plugs out of the soil and grass beneath it. Things were getting chaotic ....... Ryouta Himonaga took a moment to assess the situation, he put one and two together and soon saw why this was happening:[i] There was plenty of food, like the corn fields, somewhere there must have been a chicken coop which roused the monster's ire too! No wonder it was attacking this area! Not that this information was going to be useful right now, but maybe with it's intelligence, it could be reasoned with?[/i] The thought crossed his mind as more a favourable outcome, provided that they don't end it now. The creature was not being intentionally malicious afterall, unless there were casualities, otherwise it was just trying to survive. This thought made Ryouta choose to act differently, initially wanting to strike with his sword, he now instead held it ceremoniously by his side and took a long breath before shaking the talisman that clung to it. No longer was the Rooster's crow being played anymore, instead there was the sound of several small bells ringing... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [h3][b]Iye yoo yui~[/b][/h3] He suddenly began singing slowly in a grand, resonating bass. The hymn echoed through the fields. The very air itself seemed to stand still in it's wake, like it was paying respects to the song's arrival. The winds stopped blowing and the last wisps of moving air whispered in Ryouta's ear... [h3][b]No bo me nooo~[/b][/h3] There was a second chime, this time the faint sound of drums could be heard. The Binder stepped off the branch and gently landed on his feet, caught by a swirl of air that ushered his descent. He began slowly walking towards it ... [h3][b]Ren mi riiiiiii~[/b][/h3] All who heard it would be awashed with a sense of enveloping quietude, a calmness only felt on the most pleasant of days - in the very heat of this battle. That was the nature of the song they heard. The Prayer they heard. [h3][b]Yo ju yo Gooooooo~[/b][/h3] But the cockatrice it would feel the effects more strongly than any other. The Hymn was sung for it. This rushed ceremony was done in it's honor. Though dulled, it would seep through the pores of dirt and grass and reach foR it's soul. If the ceremony worked, all it's thoughts would be focused on the memory of the song and nothing else. Leaving it standing still in a tranquil daze. Success would be indicated by several faint lines of light and shadow that will begin weaving themselves around the creature in a divine symbol depicting the four cardinal directions (四神) where it stood. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (OOC: Ryouta used this whole turn to cast "Prayer foR Calmness", his speciality, using 10 MP in the process. The enchantment works by using his Magic Stat against the target's Resistance Stat. It [u]might[/u] also help neutralize the hostilities of students towards each other as a side effect.)