[quote=Lord Wraith] Not that anyone has to listen to me or anything, and I could be completely wrong on this but I feel like not many people know of the actual [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outsiders_%28comics%29]Outsiders[/url]. Or at least have confused them with the Justice League Dark which is completely different. Maybe it's also the fact that the RP ties back to a YJ RP that is misleading people on a few things. Either way, I just wanted to drop the above link so anyone who wasn't aware of the canon team could be and look over the heroes that have made up the roster over the years. [quote=The Patriarch] [quote=Heathen] I'm wanting to join the RP but I'm torn between what type of character to make. I'm deciding if a voodoo-like character or a character that can manipulate the senses work better with the team. >< [/quote] Voodoo sounds way cooler and more new, controlling the senses has been done tons of times [/quote] Eh not really, I mean there's at least [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hellblazer_characters#Papa_Midnite]Papa Midnite[/url], so I mean both have been done numerous times. It really comes down to personal taste and what you want to portray. [/quote] I am referring to roleplaying. I knew who the outsiders were, they're kind of like DC's X-men and if I remember correctly they were always more morally questionable compared to Justice League.