[center][h1]Penny[/h1][/center] Penny frowned, watching Mayt. She sighed and rose, shakily making sure she had her feet before letting go of the book frame. Her body ached, and seemed to want to rebel against her, to sit back down and to just relax. But she didn't. [color=pink]"it's never pointless, Nayt. If you aren't happy, then you should say something"[/color] she said softly, looking about. Where would a katana have gone in a fight? For maybe Mayt had lost it in the fight against the council members. She grimaced, and started to walk about, often using her unhurt arm to balance on the book case. So much damage. She kicked away some rubble, wondering which hole that had come from. She searched for a few moments, before seeing the glint of metal. She let out a sigh, and very carefully, she leaned down. Dizziness swam over her, and she thought she was going to fall, but she managed not to. She picked the Katana up, and just leaned against the book case for a moment, before heading back to Mayt. [color=pink]"here"[/color] she handed it to him, before picking up an unturned chair, and sinking into it, breathing heavily. Her face was deathly pale, dark bruises standing out around her eyes, her skin glistening with sweet. [center][h1]Master Jamie[/h1][/center] Master Jamie laughed, [color=magenta]"because you aren't efficient with it now, Melina? You know? I think you are scared Phoenix Wing will tarnish you as your reputation. That the guild, or any guild, would make you care for anyone other then Mytheria, or yourself. THat it would mKe you a better person. And that terrifies you."[/color] she chuckled, and said [color=magenta]"there is some information on blood magic in the guild. Maybe I'll get the information to you"[/color] another shrug