Eranah had already put her work away by the time the hobgoblins had started firing upon them. Following Lily's orders she took cover behind a nearby tree and responded to the request. "There is more to Ilmater than simply helping those in need. There is also punishing those who would bring suffering to others." She responded, answering the question while also not doing so. Preferring to show rather than tell. A goblin entered her line of sight and she decided this would be the perfect time to do just that. Wheeling around the tree she muttered a quick prayer charged with magical energy. Looking directly at her foe she held the holy symbol out in front of her, a large chunk of lava issuing forth from it. Hitting the mark and sending it reeling in searing pain. She quickly retreated back behind the tree to begin her next work. "I have many more tricks, as you would call them." She spoke out.