[hider=Appearance] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/168/a/f/wilson_mars_by_libraeldariel-d69j3yp.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]"This should be fun"[/i] [b]Full Name:[/b] Diego Pike [b]Nickname(s):[/b] None [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Birthday[/b]: July 15th [b]Astrological Sign:[/b] Scorpio [b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Lotad [b]Team:[/b] Sharpedo, Skrelp, Lombre, Eevee [b]Legend:[/b] Water [b]Trainer Class:[/b] - [b]Hometown, Region:[/b] Slateport City, Hoenn [b]Personality:[/b] Diego is relaxed and laid back. He trusts that things will work out and is rarely seen showing negative emotion. He is a friendly social guy and is always willing to spend time with someone or try something new. Despite his relaxed nature, he has a sharp eye and mind... when he chooses to pay attention. While more focused on the experiences to be had with his Pokemon, he's a decent battler and did okay in his only contest. There's very little that drives him to anger, but lack of basic respect for people or Pokemon is one thing he cannot stand. [b]Small Biography:[/b] Diego grew up in Slateport City, spending all of his free time at the beach. He fell in love with being in the water from an early age. When he was seven, his older brother gave him a Lotad egg to take care. The pokemon and Diego took an instant liking to each other, Lotad becoming his companion to the beach, the market and everything in between. Diego took up surfing, his Lotad of course riding every wave with him. When Diego turned 12, the two took off to explore Hoenn, mostly the eastern half. They learned to battle and got to now the region well. Looking for some adventure, Diego travelled to Unova though his time there consisted of a trip to Undella Town before being given a ticket to Sinnoh by an old woman who couldn't make the trip herself. Never one to turn down an opportunity for something new, he accepted and made his way to Sinnoh. [b]Power:[/b] Liquification - Diego can melt into a water-like form and move around a bit, letting squeeze through tight spaces. He can join with other bodies of water and move much more quickly through them as well as assert some direct control over a small area around his liquid form. [b]Themesong:[/b] Aqueous Transmission - Incubus [b]Other:[/b]