"Thit!" Vis yelped as another bolt whizzed past his face this one much closer then the last. Ducking behind the cart, Vis groped into the cart for a ranged weapon but came out with nothing, instead he grabbed the nearest object and pulled it out, it was a long wailing harpoon. "whath the fuck am I going thoo do with thith?!" he groaned, peering to the side of the cart a spear narrowly flew past his head. Ducking back for a moment he readied himself, bolting out Vis made a beeline for the closest piece of cover, however from the other side of the boulder he heard the wicked cackling of a hobgoblin. Sterling himself he twisted his way around to the other side of the rock and stabbed the polearm outwards. The goblin, who was a sword wielder, gurgled in pain and thrashed for a few moment before going limp, his body flopping over the shaft of the harpoon; twisting and ripping out the jagged tip, Vis found himself sprayed in the creatures vital fluids as it fell backwards, covered in green gunk he swung around,searching for the next hobgoblin to impale.