[hider=Flippy Michiyo ][center] [u][b]{Name}[/b][/u] [i]Flippy Michiyo [/i]. [u][b]{Nickname}[/b][/u] [i]He doesn't have one.[/i] [u][b]{Age}[/b][/u] [i]20.[/i] [u][b]{Gender}[/b][/u] [i]Male.[/i] [u][b]{Sexuality}[/b][/u] [i]Flippy is attracted to women who are kind hearted, nice to be around, and have the same interest as him.[/i] [u][b]{Appearance}[/b][/u] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/160/4/a/keino_the_waterbender_by_airgirl39-d3e6gel.jpg[/img] Flippy is tall And weighs about 140lbs with longish black hair and blue eyes. He is fit for running and ducking not so much for brute force. His necklace is a family treasure given to him around his 14th birthday. [u][b]{Primary Element} [/b][/u] [i]Water.[/i] [u][b]{Secondary Element} [/b][/u] [i]Ice.[/i] [u][b]{Strengths}[/b][/u] Flippy was taught by many different water bending teachers but his true skills comes from his own personal training and experiences. It was this training that made him a master at evasive and light attack moves/techniques. [u][b]{Weaknesses} [/b][/u] Flippy isn't that strong or good at defensive techniques so that's why he only evades and hits with light attacks. He also is afraid to travel alone out in the ocean because he was told a story as a little kid of a water dragon snake thing that lurks out in the deepest of the ocean and attacks anything it sees. [u][b]{Personality}[/b][/u] Flippy is kinda to his friends and family and is friendly to new people he meets. Flippy is also adventurous and wants to travel around all the nations and see what they hold for him to see, and Flippy also is friendly with animals mostly the ones he grew up with back at the southern tribe. [u][b]{History}[/b][/u] Flippy was born the same day as his sister Kasumi in the Southern Water Tribe. For most time Flippy and his sister were pretty much equal but when word got out she was the avatar Flippy just kinda stood in her shadow. Sure they did sibling related stuff and of course friends and family would talk about them as equal, but others only talked about how his sister was the avatar so basically Flippy in the eyes of everyone was basically a nobody. This didn't impact him much it makes him look at Kasumi differently at times, and most times he wonders if anybody would noticed if he just disappeared. Overtime he learned that he would always be in the shadow of his sister so he trains himself when he isn't being taught be one of the teachers, and eventually he became very skilled and felt he could finally make his journey out of his sister's shadow.[/center][/hider]