[center][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/26893993/large.jpg[/img] Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GluQS9xqtTg[/url] Name:Terry V. Sequille Gender: Depends on their mood. Age: 17 Race: Sound spirit. A human looking being that has a link to sound and music. They act just like a normal person, except they don't eat, and cannot live in silence for long. Powers: Able to mimic sounds perfectly, and able to create sounds extremely loud. Able to magically enforce sounds and give them physical forms(meaning waves of energy, able to knock things away. Think fus-roh-dah) Enhanced hearing. Skills: Great singer(surprise) Good listener, strong musician(on most any instrument) decent swimmer. Weaknesses: Quiet, not very physically strong, can't handle extreme heat(sweats like a pig) allergic to pineapple. Hobbies: Music(again, surprise) Paper crafts, spying on people. [quote=Terry]I put the "Oh" in alto.[/quote][/center] I thirst for an RP.