[quote=The Patriarch] I guess you're right, everyone says that the Doom Patrol is a better comparison, I also think The Legion of Superheroes would also share some similarities as well [/quote] Eh, Doom Patrol has some similarities though their main M.O. is for heroes who are societal misfits who have been shunned or traumatized due to their abilities. The Outsiders on the other hand were originally created by Batman when his ties with the League were strained and he couldn't get the missions done the way he wanted to so he created the Outsiders. After this, the leadership fell to Nightwing (Woot woot!) who used to the team to actively hunt down escaped supervillians. It was only after Nightwing relinquished leadership back to Batman that it became a covert team. So tl;dr point here is that the appearance of the actual members doesn't particularly matter, the team's purpose is to be the public fall guys for the league and get the missions done that are entangled in political red tape. The Legion beyond being a team of superheroes has very little in common. The Legion essentially the League of the 24th Century, they are in the public eye, whereas the Outsiders are a covert team. Not to mention the Legion openly recruits whereas I believe at least in canon, the Outsiders were all handpicked by Batman/the current leader.