"Thank you, sir. Pleasant to have a gentleman of reason," Drax said with a slight bow. Despite the explosion and fighting that just occurred behind him, he was unphased as if nothing happened, and kept his attention on the matter at hand. It would be rude to just drop the conversation. "I am bound by oath to carry out any order given to me, for an order from my superiors carries the weight and same standing as the king. And-" "Drax!? Should we do something?" Sphyl cried out in surprise. "No we should not. It is honorable 1 on 1 combat. Lest they start to jeopardize citizens or it becomes lethal we may not intervene," he replied. "HOW CAN THAT NOT BE LETHAL!?" "What the... Why are they fighting?" Dremmick asked confused. [b]elsewhere[/b] Ander was heavily wounded heavily but still stood firm. In contrast the Black Wisp still stood confidently bearing minor injuries and few harsh wounds. "Let me ask you something, [i]project[/i]. If you can't kill me now, what makes you think that you can kill me if I used magic? You should have known coming here would lead to your death. Its almost like you've given up everything and become desperate. Hahaha, you really are foolish, eh? I tell you what, If you can touch the crystal that entraps your sister, I may let her free, but to make it out of this castle for me not to kill the both of you here and now. I can't stand to have failures in my castle." Ander gritted his teeth. in the coarse of the fight, his fire and sleep crystal had both been broken, keeping him from being able to use either magic. So that means he couldn't make a steam screen, which had done more to save his life so far. He looked up to the crystal for a moment planning on how to make his move and then looked down to the man known as the Black Wisp. He nodded his head accepting the offer. "Deal's a deal then," the man said with an evil grin. "This," he started as Ander made his way for the crystal hovering high above, "WILL BE EASY!" he then moved with blinding speed covering the gap between Ander and himself in a blink of and eye. He then brought the flat side of the heavy ax and went to slam it against Ander's side. Guessing he would try something like that, Ander used his crystal to pull himself above the attack, but what he didn't expect was a fiery black fist to follow up, blasting him in the gut. He was then thrown back to the ground. "Try again, [i]project[/i]," the head executioner spat.