Alakai wasn't expecting an attack like that, and he stood there a bit puzzled as the spider jumped into the air. Though it wasn't soon until he realized what was going on. "Shit, this wasn't in the beta!" He exclaimed, bracing for what was sure to be quite a bit of damage. This was the first time Kali actually had her health drop so low. Which was made clear when she cried from the pain. Indeed...wounds still hurt. Maybe it was because he had experienced worse pain in real life, but it didn't bother him as much. This was bound to happen sooner or later though. So it was better to experience it early on, rather than later. Still, 500 damage in a single hit. They had clearly buffed this boss to make him very difficult if you were alone. So was it a group quest now? Either way, they could definitely make it. "Guess I have no choice but to keep going full out then!" Alakai replied to Kali's warning. The longer the fight too, the more of those heavy hits they would take and thus the more chance that they would die. "This is starting to get fun..." He then mused, his serious expression slowly turning into an excited grin. Throwing defence to the wind, the man rushed in with a killing intent you'd normally only read about in manga's. Together with his love for the theory behind games, there was one more thing that had made him such a skilled player in the past. His love for battle. In real life, Alakai was too weak a man to put up any kind of fight. But now it was different. And without realizing it, his thirst for battle came to the surface, spurred on by years of pent up anger from being bullied in school.