Carina watched as the woman wiped her tears. She'd explained to Carina that she was happy she'd shown up. Part of Carina wanted to believe her but part of her knew the cruel truth about humans. Anything different was shunned, murdered even. This woman would not be so thankful if she knew exactly what she had let into her house and what this female wolf's intentions were. Carina followed closely behind the woman, her ears perking up at the mention of food. She turned her head up to the woman, a stupid grin on her face. Seriously, this woman knew how to get an animal to like her, shower them with food. Once inside, Carina walked over to the kitchen and sat down where the bowl had been before, waiting patiently as the woman prepared the meal. Reheated chicken... Sounded gross to her wolf side, but her human side couldn't care less. It was a meal. Able to control her wolf side this time, Carina slowly ate the food, savoring the exquisite tastes of the herbs that blended nicely with the chicken. It'd be awhile since she'd had this kind of meal. Once done, she licked her paws, cleaning her mouth and paws at the same time. Afterwards, she walked over to the woman and placed her head on her knee, trying to get her attention. After all, Carina knew how pets worked. She blinked, her brown puppy dog eyes staring up at the woman. How she wished she could communicate with her. Ask her why she'd been crying, console her. But somehow, she felt that just by being there the woman felt better. After a moment, Carina removed her head from the woman's lap and shook her grey coat, shaking off an itch she'd felt on her back. Snorting a bit, she walked over to the TV, where the fireplace was, and curled up in front of it, content to just stare off in the distance for now. Being a wolf was... really boring. There wasn't much to do. Besides, it wasn't like she could do much else without imposable thumbs and she definitely couldn't shift with this woman around...