Name:Edward Ledger Age:32 Species: Human Gender:Male Titles:"The Crazy White boy", and jokingly "The drunk warrior" Army: Independent contractor for the colonial marines. Appearance:[hider=In Armor][img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Out of armor] [img][/img][/hider] Personality:Edward is a joker and a fun loving guy outside of the battlefield, he loves to talk and make people laugh and is often one to make quips and jokes even when the situation is grim, but all of it's a cover for the fact that underneath is a cruel and violent side to him that relishes in battle and enjoys going from challenge to challenge, he also has a hefty amount of battlefield stress he brings with him which he attempts to cover with alcoholism and the quips and jokes mentioned above. Bio:Edward was born on a colony not far from Earth, his mother never really cared for him and his older sister. Instead going from one marriage to the next so she could take money from them and enjoy a constant honeymoon phase. Eventually she found a man affluent and rich enough that he could keep her rolling in money for the rest of her life. Edward was nine when they got married and for once things seemed to settle down, his new step-father taught the boy many things and cared for both him and his sister like they were his own. Eventually their mother got jealous of this and had the two shipped off, his sister going to an all-girls academy, and him going to a military academy on Earth. Within the walls of the academy Edward was thrown through the ringer, he was a variety of martial arts, marksmen training, and basic strategy, among a few other things. When he left the academy he had trained enough that he didn't need to go through basic to get into the colonial marines, he joined up with the Marine assault unit and set off for a life of warfare. Edward went from battle to battle dealing with all manner of threats to the colonial marines, he saw brothers and sisters in arms die, and had to made questionable decisions in order to save the privileged few over the many who were suffering war zones, during this time he met another side of his personality he dubbed "The Killer" that relished in the heat of battle that enjoyed the tastes of battle to come and it sickened him, he began to rely on this personality more and more to deal with the fact that he couldn't stand killing anymore. As things like predators and aliens came to light, Edward began to study them whenever he got down time, taking old videos and interviews, learning things such as tactics and abilities eventually figuring out ways one could effectively combat both species. When he brought this to the brass in the form of a stack of gathered intel so they could combat them better he was ultimately ignored. He left the intel behind and returned to the battlefield to keep going. Edward left service when he turned thirty, he wanted to give civilian life a chance so he moved into a small town on Earth so he could be closer with his sister and her family. But the quiet life wasn't for him and eventually he joined up with a private military corporation that took contracts from the US military and has been with them ever sense. Abilities: Edward knows a variety of skills due to his training at the academy as well as application on the battlefield his skills include: Marksmanship and counter marksmanship, offensive and defensive driving, piloting, small unit tactics, a variety of martial arts, and mastery of several weapons Family: Ameila Scahuer:Sister Marcus Schauer:Brother-in-law Tressa Schauer:Niece Gordon Schauer:Nephew Edward Schauer:Nephew Friends:None Loved Ones:None Sentimental Attachment:His family Other:N/a