[quote=Dualbellatorum] [quote=Dinh AaronMk] [quote=Dualbellatorum] [quote=Dinh AaronMk] Other than word on apps and what I feel is a pretty big - though patchable - plot hole, I'm still game. [/quote] State your concern, friend. Wow, that sounded gay. Let me rephrase. PLOT HOLE!? THE DEAD ARE RISING! WHAT MORE COULD Y... lol but no seriously, what would you like to see covered? I'm having to reread the RP myself, to refresh my mind, and am already considering some light alterations. Although, in any world where dead tissue is reanimating for no reason, plot holes are gonna be aplenty. Some general "acceptance of bizarre, unfathomable events" is going to be a required asset of players. [/quote] I recognize as a whole that apocalyptic scenarios are generally absurd, but I pointed out earlier that not every culture attends to their dead in one piece, tucking them under the ground. China, Japan, India, or anywhere else influenced by Hindu tradition (Buddhism) all cremate their dead. Various native American tribes and the Tibetans chop up their dead bodies to dispose of them (urn burial for certain Native American tribes and Sky Burial for Tibet). The Abrahamic faiths are the biggest culture to practice wide-spread burial. Christianity has commonly upheld that burying the dead is the only thing you should do; only recently did we come to accept cremating the dead while places like Russia and Greece say you must bury your dead, no cremating. Islam has pretty staunch rules on how you treat your dead, and cremation or "destroying" the body is not a part of the acceptable practice. So China (where cremation is legally enforced) and Japan shouldn't be over run absolutely, neither should India or South-east Asia. Tibet would be safe since they dismember their dead and feed it to the vultures. So the only dangers and the "animal dead", but many animals that might be big enough to pose a risk and difficult to put down are few and far between, you could obliterate them with a truck. The rest you'd need to blow up. Of course, to keep these regions from playing a role we could just go off and say they isolated themselves to keep any potential dead from coming in and rapidly changed how quickly they go through the funeral process. It wouldn't be difficult to do. The Americas, Europe, and Africa would be well in the area of SOL since we'd have intact corpses everywhere. Asia would be pretty free of dead since the bodies are all broken up or straight up destroyed. [/quote] I hear ya, and I'm changing things around to include multiple asteroid impacts across the globe, which sparked the rising. Science will then feature slightly, to explain the cause, but we're basically looking at a third of the population suddenly falling down with seizures, only to get back up in a violent rage. Upon death, the victims, or Fallers, as we shall call them, reanimate. This'll be due to an alien fungus growing not on their brain, but rather, their spinal cord. Victims initially are aware of what they're doing, but cannot control themselves above the neck. Once dead, the fungus moves into their brain to add head control, and then works quickly to turn around the effects of rigor mortis and then grows to replace diminishing muscle fibres until the host is literally one big walking lump of green, weeping fungus. But I'll digress further on the finished product. Shouldn't take me too long. Sound more palatable? [/quote] Certainly negates the issue of the whole world being over run with bodies that don't exist for about half of it. It has my blessing. Good luck with your sister.