I'll chime in and say this: The problem seems to stem from people's focus on game-like mechanics, as opposed to focusing on story-telling. If you want to end these debates about this or that being overpowered, you first need to terminate the focus on military units and technology. When you encourage people to list and describe every ship they have, and every unit, ect, you are encouraging people to play like it's a strategy game. You are making an RP where people look over each others' units and try to one-up them, or match them, or whatever, when they should instead be focusing on writing a cool story. You are encouraging the dick-waving. There would be no argument over what a bomb can and cannot do if you all focused on telling a good story together, as opposed to how many ships you have and what they are capable of. I've said this before and it is never met with support, but it has to be said. I'll go back to lurking now.