Alfonzo proceeded back to the paintings after making his invite, and took a small glance back around while still walking only to notice that the talking jaguar and the little girl with the rose in her hair was joining him. He turned his head back around to focus his attention to the exhibit artistry with a warm smile on his face. He began to examine the next image in front of him, trying to figure on what it was, until the jaguar decided to sit next to him and make conversation. [u][b]"Look... Alfonzo... you won't help anyone with denial. You'll never simply wake up out of this... I do not think it is a dream..."[/b][/u] Said Darkhunter. [i]“Huh?”[/i] Alfonzo turned his attention away from the painting and down to Darkhunter’s face. [i]“Oh. you and everyone else, maybe not,”[/i] Alfonzo said, acting and implying with no worry whatsoever. [i]“But see, to me it is. None of this is real, and none of it is actually happening because all of you are just of my imagination. Eventually I will wake up and all will be forgotten.”[/i] To make his point, Alfonzo turned his attention back to the group. [i]“Now really I mean look at all of them, you can’t really say that all of this is possible. I mean really take for example.” [/i]Alfonzo pointed to the direction Ghazghkull to make his statement clear.[i] “That guy, right over there, the one that sounds like a mush mouth, I mean really c'mon. You probably can’t even tell me what that thing is or why it’s talking like that.” [/i] [u][b]"WILL YOU PLEASE CUT OUT THAT AWFUL RACKET?"[/b][/u] said the jaguar, seeing as if he was annoyed by Ghazghkull’s loud antics and weird behavior. Once he was done yelling, Alfonzo continued to speak.[i] “And that girl right there, the one screaming to the top of her lungs, forming into....well......whatever she’s doing. You mean to tell me that’s real, or even sane for that matter? I mean it, really.”[/i] Then he turned his attention back down to Darkhunter’s face once more. [i]“Even you, I mean seriously, I’m talking to an animal whose telling me that all of this happening right now is real.”[/i]