[b]Tyler - Fitness Center - Scarlett/Matt[/b] He wanted to strangle this man. He wanted to gut Matt and watch his insides spill upon the ground. He wanted to watch the color drain from his face while Tyler stared at him, [i]grinning[/i]. He wanted to-- "They wished to keep my daughter from me," Tyler said, his voice calm and collected. He felt renewed somewhat, like he was channeling himself from a few months before. He felt strangely like he was back in the catacombs, talking to Lynn, his insides churning at the waste of a human being she turned out to be. Just. Like. Matt. "It was a rescue operation." He looked to Scarlett for a moment, trying to convey to her his pain. Of course, with him so incensed, he knew he probably just looked furious. "We were all regular people once, Matt." He turned back to Matt and his crew, his hands balled into fists. "You were. I was. All of us. But they were keeping a man's daughter from him, their minds--" He reached upward, mimicking the side of his head exploding outward. "They were [i]addled[/i] by paranoia. You don't do what they did, not for any reason!" He almost leaped at Matt then, his brain sending warm waves of adrenaline pouring through his body. What made him stop was the odd look on one of the men's face. The one not named Jon, the big one, looked oddly impassive. Recognition of the situation at hand was clearly not on his mind, and it was as if he was watching something on a stage. Tyler believed, strangely, that this man would kill him without hesitation if he moved to attack them. Tina and Jace shuffled awkwardly on their feet. They'd probably have a lot to ask once they got back, but they were holding back in front of these people. Tyler wanted to shut up so that they could all move on, but something else Matt said caught his interest. "Outpost was fine when I left," he said. "It still had--" He looked down, finally feeling his anger ebb away. Damn it, he was feeling a lump in his throat now. "They still had Rudy. Still had Enrique. I'm sorry, Matt, but you used them as well. I just wanted my little girl." The man named Jon let out a breath. "Jesus, well then. You done here, Matt, or would you like to taunt these people some more?"