Just as Sayaka was tending to the frightened little girl, a series of dimensional portals opened up across the room. It merely lasted a second, and despite her eyes being fixated on Ib, the brief flashing of these doorways to another world was enough to catch Sayaka's attention. By the time she turned her head towards the latest commotion, however, another armored warrior monstrosity had came charging through one of those portals and into the room, its colorful outfit obviously contrasting the bleakness of the background. As Sayaka concerned herself the potential dangers of another gun-totting brute like Ghazghkull coming into this room, the marine did not give her a chance to react or think, and instead pulled out what literally looked like a musical instrument of death, a hybrid mechanism between a large rifle and a guitar. He raised his arm to strum, and an ominous feeling left Sayaka gasping for air. Another series of noise immediately came into being. It was much different this time; unlike the harmless clamors that came before, this one was an auditory attack. Like many of the others, she huddled her head in agony, incapable of doing anything else. It merely lasted a short moment, soon replaced with the sounds of a firing cannon, but the acoustic shock was enough to send Sayaka stumbling forward, crashing onto the floor. [i]"Goddammit!"[/i] she finally cursed, albeit in her mind. [i]"What the hell is wrong with these people?! Making all this racket."[/i] Just as she gradually recovered from the attack, she recalled hearing a subtle mix of weapon discharge amid the sonic-wave blast. She jerked her head up to confirm her fears - the marine appeared dead, lying lifelessly on the floor thirty feet away from her. A sense of emptiness struck Sayaka's heart as she wrapped her head around the murder that had just occurred. And then she felt her heart burning, burning with fury that coursed through her veins. "You murderer..." she whispered, with a voice so soft even the echo did not pick up. As she stood up to face the green Goliath, the ring on Sayaka's finger began to shimmer fiercely with a cyan aura of power. She did not think of the possible dangers she might face confronting this foe. Her mind was instead only filled with questioning the heinous act that had been performed in this room.