Ib gave a jolt of surprise when she felt something soft and warm press against her side. She cautiously raised her head and unclasped her ears. She gazed at Darkhunter in surprise as he pressed close to her, curling around her. She blinked in surprise, having heard him faintly say sorry to her when she had been curled up. She gave him a small smile. [color=red]"I'm fine, it just surprised me is all."[/color] She said softly. She glanced at the woman kneeling next to him before her attention was caught on the commotion across the room. Her body tensed when she witnessed portals open up and a thing stepped out. She was then set into shock as she watched with horrified eyes as the orc shoot the thing until it was nothing but a red mess. She then promptly buried her face against Darkhunter's side, not wanting to watch anymore. She could feel her form shaking as she struggled to remain calm. That...That was the first time she had seen something like that. Sure death was on the news but hearing about it and seeing it face to face are two completely different things. Soon, noise piled on top of one another and just when she thought she was about to go crazy from it all, it slowly started to grow quieter. Her body relaxed some as the headache that had been building receded slightly.