What the hell should we call you? "Gorrendil formerly of the Craftworld Ulthwe. I am now on the Path of the Outcast" What....are you even? "I am Eldar. A nomadic race, that have stood for 40 million years. The rest of my brothers and sisters have grown arrogant. Foolish in their wealth. The Path of the. Outcast saved me from their.... foolishness. And where the heck are you? "The Galaxy of Milky Way. (Warhammer 40,000 but I swear this guy is normal) How friggin' old are you anyway? "958 years. I am approaching the end of my life" You a lady or a dude or what..? "I am a male of my species, yes. You are no doubt rude but amusing. Not expected from the other races" So like...what are you like? "An Outcast" (Taking over) Gorendil is unlike other eldar. He has not grown arrogant. He is appreciative of the other races, not tolerant. He has travelled over the years, seeing the sights. He is wise, for he is not as prideful as the rest of his race. He approaches with caution. He is amused by many things and is more carefree than the rest. Though he remembers The Fall, he put's that into the past. He is still Eldar. And what do you like? "I like many things, Mon'keigh. Women, of any kind. Human women especially. Of course excluding warp spawn. Food. The freedom of an Outcast. Imitating a Commissar. Leading a legion of Orks. And riding around the galaxy with an Inquisitor, a brainwashed Ork, a Tau stuck in a Battlesuit, my Gue'vesa girlfriend, an Adeptus Sororitas, and a sentient Necron." Anything else we should know about...? "I think I have told you enough for today, don't you think? The fact that I admitted to be having a Human girlfriend and being friends with a Necron is enough, no? I have lived throughout the ages. I want something new. Something exciting. An adventure worthwhile." --- [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/2/29/Eldar_Raider.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111129060300[/img]