Zeetah knew about the Estrella de Climna. A pretty intense religious group that he was sure he could never fit in with. But the chance to learn magic--real [i]magic[/i]--overwhelmed his thoughts. "Well... I know I could never see myself being religious, but I'm good at staying out of the way when I need to. If I can come and just learn magic...and maybe get a bite to eat every once in a while... then yeah, I think I might come with you! What do you say?" Zeetah lowered himself from the awning, careful to avoid the broken glass still scattered about. "Oh, and Tex should come too! You're trying to stay away from the guards, too, right? I saw your face when you couldn't fight, and I recognize that look on any face..." Zeetah stopped himself quickly and turned to Zazrioa, "There won't be guards there, right? That would be silly... right?"