Yep now it's official the suits of gundam try fighters are over powered pieces of garbage. Where's the tension and the sense of either side winning? The suit rides of fucking beams. It tanked a mobile armor power shot. It no sold an entire swarm of funnels/bits. The suits can rip through standard ace customs like trash. I'm seriously disappointed in this series action based scenes. They're too flashy and too over the top super robot style compared to traditional gundam shows. What made Heero vs. Zechs, Amuro vs. Char, Hamam vs. Judau, Paptimus vs. Kamile, and other series finals so awesome was how evenly matched these suits are and how they worked they're way up the ranks. Try Fights? Lol NOPE super robots smashing fucking smaller robots into oblivion because main fucking characters. Sorry for the rant but the latest episode cemented my disgust for how strong these suits are.