"So be it." Lily said, her voice harsh and resolute, belying what was going on in her head. [i]Oh shit.[/i] She brought her sword up into a salute for a heartbeat, then raised it into a high, two-handed guard, her sword angled slightly back and over her head. As they closed she twisted to the side, the goblin's chop grazing along the shoulder of her plate. [i]Dad is going to kill me when he sees this plate after today.[/i] The absurd thought ran through her mind as she turned, swinging her blade down in a two handed chop at the footman, who raised his blade a hair too slow, her blade gashing deep into his chest. The goblin staggered back with a cry of pain and rage, only to be shoved aside by the spearman as he approached. Lily twisted on her heel to face the Captain again, who had already recovered from his strike and came at her again with a series of cuts. She gave ground to him, twisting to keep him between her and the spearman.