[h1]sasha[/h1] Sasha cradled the book. It might seem silly, but it felt slightly warm. Was that because of the importance of it, or was it because it had been written by a guild wizard, one who probably impacted some of her own thoughts and feelings into te writing? She traced the mark on it. "What about those that are lost?" She asked softly, her voice curiously void as emotion, "my family was never recovered" she looked up, feeling comforted when Lazarus took a hold of her once more. "So it's interesting to me. Wouldn't souls, spirits, be confused and lost after death?" [h1]Master Jamie[/h1] Jamie laughed "well in anycase, there's valuable information in the guild library and I just can't let you have free rein. I can however find information for you" better that then Melina trying to find out what she could do on her own. Certainly less pain for people, he imagined