Lamont rounded back, the rush of battle keeping him interested in the fight. "SCRAWWW! ([i]Found our next target![/i])" He spotted one of the spearmen, the one helping his leader gang up on the Lady Paladin, Lily. Diving in, he mentally prepped himself for another spell as he and Sheeva neared their target. His hawk screams turned human as he rammed into the spearman, knocking the hobgoblin off kilter. As the druid landed in the sand, his hawk companion followed up by going for the spearman's eyes. Successfully performing the same plan twice, Lammy had to wonder if the hobgoblins were really paying attention. "Hey man, 3 versus 1 is un[i]fair![/i]" He quipped, emphasizing his point with a well placed strike to the hobgoblin's chin. [i]"Whoo!"[/i] The quarterstaff looked to inflict much more damage then he would've assumed. [i]"Gotta love ironwood enchantments."[/i] He turned back to Lily. Didn't really seem like she needed the help all that much, now that he realized, but there was nothing wrong with evening the playing field. With a whistle, Sheeva returned to Lammy's side, finally letting up from the hobgoblin's face. Or, knowing Sheeva, what [i]remained[/i] of the hobgoblin's face. Talons once stained in red, were now drenched in green. Lammy took a chance to grimace at that. "Ugh, please wash yourself after all this is said and done." He recommended before taking off again.